
TurningPoint offers multiple ways for students to participate in classroom polls.

The clickers used at NC State have raised buttons which will allow visually disabled students to participate in polls once they have been oriented to the layout of the clicker. However, visually disabled users will not be able to receive confirmation feedback if their response has been received because that information is only conveyed visually on the display.

Turning Technologies also offers ResponseWare, a Web-based version of their clicker. At this time ResponseWare will cause problems for visually disabled students; however, students with certain mobility impairments may find it easier to use ResponseWare instead of the physical clicker.

Caution – Using Clickers for Grading

If you are using clickers in any type of testing environment, special consideration will have have to be made for students who receive extended time on testing. In this situation, clickers are often used in the middle of class to assess the student and record their response as part of their grade. If a student is allowed extended time, this is problematic because to allow the student extra time would mean stopping the rest of class and drawing attention to the student. In this case, alternative and equitable ways of assessing either the individual student or the entire class must be made.