
Math on the Web in HTML

Making math accessible on the Web is a fairly straightforward and simple process if you have the right tools. The basic steps are as follows:

  1. Create your equation in either MathML, TeX, or LaTeX. MathType from Design Science can assist you in this.
  2. Paste the code for your equation into your Web page.
  3. Link to the MathJax libraries.

There are a lot of variables in this process, such as knowing which format your equation is, what type of HTML document you are creating (HTML5, XHTML, or HTML 4), and what doctype declaration you need to use. Depending on how much of this information you know, there are three different pathways for putting your math on the Web accessibly.

  1. The simplest way to put math on the Web, even if you don’t know anything about math equation formats, html document formats, and doctypes.
  2. Putting math on the Web using MathML and HTML5. MathML is a W3C Recommendation and is the most standard way to add math to your page.
  3. Putting math on the Web using any math equation format and any type of Web page. This technique involves knowing which namespace to use in your Web page, but it allows the most flexibility in your options.

Math in Microsoft Word

If you don’t want to create a Web page there is another option. You can use MathType and Microsoft Word to create accessible math too. MathType also works as an add-in to Microsoft Word. Equations created this way can be transformed into an accessible format.