Textbook Accessibility

Choosing Materials

Before choosing a textbook, be sure to ask the publisher the following questions about its accessibility.  

  • In what formats (e.g., print, audio, ePub3) is the book available?
    Multiple formats are preferred.
  • How accessible are the latest editions?
    The big book publishers have recently made a lot of progress in accessibility.
  • Are digital formats of the book accessible by people with disabilities?
    • Text must be renderable.
    • Images, figures and tables must have alternative text.
    • Online interactive content must be accessible.

Important Notes:

  • All textbook-coordinated materials (e.g., slide presentations, tests, quizzes, worksheets) supplied by the publisher must also be available in accessible formats.
  • Digital Rights Management Software tools control permissions on e-content and lock them content cannot be copied.  This can cause an access issue. Publishers that use this technology should have contact information for people who need access.
  • If you have a question about if an accessible version of a textbook exists please contact accessibility@ncsu.edu.